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Somali News Update -Friday - August 7, 2020

Mogadishu (HOL) - A Communique released on Thursday at the culmination of a three-day consultative clan conference has called for the federal government to hold timely elections without delay and to incorporate Banadir as a region.

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Somali News Update -Thursday - August 6, 2020

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Somaliland's president has reportedly rejected a conditional offer by a delegation of Chinese "wolf warrior" diplomats to cut ties with Taiwan, and added that he is taking steps to strengthen relations with the country.

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Wararka Maanta-Khamiis, Agoosto 6, 2020

Khamiis, Agoosto 6, 2020 (HOL) - Guddoomiyaha aqalka sare ee Soomaaliya Abdi Xaashi ayaa codsaday in baaris degdeg ah lagu sameeyo been abuur uu sheegay in lagu sameeyay Habraaca dhaqan galinta Xeerka Maaliyadda Guud dalka.

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Somali News Update -Wednesday - August 5, 2020

Mogadishu (HOL) - Dr Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe, prominent human rights activist, founder and chairperson of the Dr Hawa Abdi Foundation and one of Somalia's first female obstetricians has passed away in Mogadishu. She was 73.

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Wararka Maanta-Arbaco, Agoosto 5, 2020

Arbaco, Agoosto 5, 2020 (HOL) - Waxaa maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ku geeriyootay Allaha unaxariistee Drs Xaawo Cabdi oo ahayd Dhaqatarad cimrigeeda inta ugu badan ku bixisay samafalka bulshada.

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Somali News Update -Tuesday - August 4, 2020

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) – A Jackson County judge Tuesday sentenced 40-year-old Ahmed Aden to 40 years in prison for killing a 15-year-old Somali boy outside a Kansas City mosque in December 2014.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, Agoosto 4, 2020

Talaado, Agoosto 4, 2020 (HOL) - Wasiirka caafimaadka dalka Lubnaan Hassan Hamud ayaa waxa uu sheegay in 25 ruux ay ku dhinteen 2,500 oo ruuxna ay ku dhaawacmeen qarax weyn oo ka dhacay gudaha caasimadda waddanmkaas ee Beirut.

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Somali News Update -Monday - August 3, 2020

Ottawa (ON) - Ahmed Hassan (Kayse), a soccer coach and one of the principal founders of the Surad Youth Soccer Club in Ottawa has passed away after a battle with liver cancer. He was 44.

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Wararka Maanta-Isniin, Agoosto 3, 2020

Isniin, Agoosto 3, 2020 (HOL) - Danjiraha dalka Britain u fadhiya Muqdisho Ben Fender ayaa sheegay in la joogo xilligii Soomaalida ay go’aamin lahaayeen hoggaanka ay doonayaan, marka laga hadlayo nooca iyo qaabka ay noqon doonto doorashada soo socotana ay iyaga u taal.

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Somali News Update -Sunday - August 2, 2020

Somalia’s cabinet approved the board members of the Somali Petroleum Authority (SPA) on 30 July, passing a significant milestone as the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources prepares to launch its first licensing round on 4 August.

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Wararka Maanta-Axad, Agoosto 2, 2020

Axad, Agoosto 2, 2020 (HOL) - Sida ay sheegayaan warar aan ka helayno gobolka Shabeelada hoose, waxaa caawa degmada Wanlaweyn lagu dilay gudoomiye ku xigeenka degmadaas, Maxamed Cabdulaahi Cumar.

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Somali News Update -Saturday - August 1, 2020

Since April 12, Cuban surgeon Landy Rodríguez and general medicine specialist Assel Herrera have served a year in captivity after being kidnapped in the Kenyan city of Mandera.

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