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The Kenyan government plans to deploy special forces and elite units to the country’s northern and upper coastal regions to tame the threat of terrorism following an increase in terror attacks in the regions, which left tens of people dead.
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Arbaco, September, 20, 2023 (HOL) - Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaradka Somaliland ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa dagaalka Laascaanood ku tilmaamay mid la doonayo in Somaliland lagu burburiyo, laguna fashiliyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
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Mogadishu (HOL) - The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) concluded a five-day training course on Monday, focusing on police station management and crime reduction in local communities. The training was part of the preparations for the Somali Police Force to take full security responsibility when ATMIS exits Somalia in December 2024.
Talaado, September, 19, 2023 (HOL) - Midowga Yurub ayaa si ku meel gaar ah u hakiyay dhaqaalihii uu siin jirtay hay'adda Cunnada Adduunka ee WFP ee Soomaaliya.
Garowe (HOL) - Puntland opposition groups have accused the regional President, Said Abdullahi Deni, of failing to lead the state toward a stable consensus governance system.
Isniin, September, 18, 2023 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa magacaabay taliyayaal cusub oo katirsan ciidanka xoogga dalka, si ay u dardargeliyaan howlgallada ka dhanka ah Al-Shabaab ee ka socda dowlad goboleedyada Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle.
Dhusamareb (HOL) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud appointed two army commanders on Monday to expedite ongoing military operations against al-Shabab in the Galmudug and Hirshabelle states.
Axad, September, 17, 2023 (HOL) - Wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya, Daa’uud Maxamed Aweys ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyay howgallada dalka ka socda ee Shabaab looga xoraynayo Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle.
Hargeisa (HOL) - The Somaliland government on Saturday strongly condemned a visit this week by ministers and lawmakers from the federal government and Puntland state to Las Anod town, the capital of the Sool region.
Sabti, September, 16, 2023 (HOL) - Ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo kaashanaya kuwa dadka deegaanka ayaa Alshabaab ka qabsaday deegaannada Sargo iyo Qodqod oo ka tirsan Gobolka Mudug.
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre launched the national identification and registration process to promote digital transformation in Somalia.
Dhusamareb (HOL) – A suicide car bomb killed several people and wounded others, including two Somali federal lawmakers in the Mudug region on Friday morning, officials confirmed.