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Turkey and US finalize F-16 fighter jet purchase

Friday June 14, 2024

A U.S. F-16 aircraft takes off during the "Blue Flag" multinational air defense exercise at the Ovda air force base, north of the Israeli city of Eilat, Oct. 24, 2021. (EPA Photo)

ANKARA, Turkey (HOL) — Turkey has signed an agreement with the United States to purchase F-16 fighter jets, marking a significant milestone in the two NATO allies' military cooperation. The deal, announced on June 13, comes after prolonged negotiations and aims to enhance Turkey's aerial capabilities.

"Contracts have been signed, and delegations are negotiating the finer details," a Turkish defence ministry source stated during a briefing in Ankara. "Details will be disclosed once discussions are finalized."

Under the agreement, Turkey will receive 40 new F-16s and upgrades for 79 existing jets. Ankara initially submitted this procurement request in October 2021 and received approval from the Biden administration earlier this year. The approval concluded years of discussions that had strained U.S.-Turkey relations.

The U.S. State Department lauded the agreement as a significant advancement, emphasizing the enduring security partnership between the two nations. "These are the most advanced F-16s ever made, available only to our closest allies and partners," the State Department noted in a statement.

In parallel, the U.S. Congress was notified of this agreement and the $8.6 billion sale of 40 F-35s to Greece, underscoring the U.S. commitment to maintaining balance and strengthening alliances within NATO.

The deal also coincides with Turkey's recent ratification of Sweden's NATO membership. The process had been delayed but was crucial amid the ongoing geopolitical tensions due to Russia's war in Ukraine. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to discuss further strategic collaborations with President Joe Biden during the upcoming NATO summit in Washington.

Additionally, Ankara has been vocal about regional stability issues, particularly regarding the postponed local elections by the YPG, the Syrian branch of the PKK, in northern Syria. Turkey insists that these elections should not only be postponed but completely annulled, citing violations of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2254 and Syria's territorial integrity.

"We reiterate our stance that these so-called elections should be cancelled," the defence source added, highlighting Turkey's firm position against the YPG's actions.

Procuring F-16s is anticipated to bolster Turkey's defence capabilities significantly, reinforcing its role within NATO and its strategic partnership with the United States.


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