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Somalia renews counter-insurgency operations as al-Shabaab regroups

Monday June 3, 2024

A Gorgor soldier surveys the landscape in Somalia. Credit: SNA

Mogadishu (HOL) — The Somali government has launched a third round of counter-insurgency operations targeting al-Shabaab. The latest campaign focuses on the Galmudug and Hirshabelle states.

From April 20 to May 24, over 207 incidents of political violence resulted in 432 deaths, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED). The Lower Shabelle region experienced the most concentrated violence, while the Mudug and Middle Juba regions reported the highest number of fatalities, with 105 and 70 deaths, respectively.

Key incidents during this period include:

  • April 30: Turkish intelligence chief meets with Somali President in Mogadishu.
  • May 9: Somali government calls for the termination of the UN political mission.
  • May 14: UN Secretary-General appoints James Swan as head of UNSOM.
  • May 21: Somalia's intelligence chief replaces top agency officers.
  • May 23: Somali cabinet approves a defense agreement with Kenya.

Despite previous operations in August 2022 and 2023, the Somali government's campaign has faced significant challenges, including clan infighting and military corruption. Disputes between the Hawadle and Abgal clans over power-sharing in the Hirshabelle state have led to several armed clashes, weakening the coalition against al-Shabaab.

A corruption scandal involving senior military officials misappropriating US-donated food rations led to the suspension of aid to elite Danab forces, further hindering the operation. The corruption scandal resulted in the withdrawal of security forces from several strategic villages, which al-Shabaab later recaptured.

In response, Somali officials have engaged in talks with traditional elders and clan leaders to restore support for the government's efforts.

Meanwhile, security analysts say Al-Shabaab has been regrouping and expanding its influence, particularly in the Middle Shabelle region. Since March, the group has consolidated control over strategic areas along key supply routes and increased attacks against Somali security forces and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops. Recently, militants have taken control of several villages, only to be temporarily pushed back by the Somali National Army (SNA) and clan militias.

International Support

International partners, particularly the United States, continue to support Somali security forces despite setbacks. On May 15, the US donated 96 vehicles, including ambulances, to the SNA. This support is crucial as the SNA, along with special forces trained by the US and Turkey, plays a significant role in combating al-Shabaab.

Coordination issues between the SNA and the Ministry of Defense persist, limiting the government's ability to hold newly liberated territories, which has allowed al-Shabaab to regroup and regain control in various regions. Military advisors say the effectiveness of the government's renewed efforts will depend on addressing internal disputes, rooting out corruption, and maintaining robust international support.



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