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Turkish opposition leader warns against army deployment in Somalia’s maritime zones

Monday July 22, 2024

Yankı Bağcıoğlu, Deputy Chairman of Turkey's Republican People's Party (CHP), addresses concerns about the proposed deployment of Turkish Armed Forces in Somalia’s maritime jurisdiction during a press conference in Ankara.

ANKARA, Türkiye (HOL) — Turkish opposition leader Yankı Bağcıoğlu has voiced strong objections to a government proposal to deploy the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Somalia's maritime jurisdiction, citing potential risks to national security and current operations.

"The deployment of TSK in Somalia's maritime jurisdiction could jeopardize our current operations and national security," Bağcıoğlu, Deputy Chairman of the Republican People's Party (CHP), said in a written statement. He emphasized the need to consider the motion's potentially dangerous outcomes carefully.

The motion, submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) by the Presidency on July 19, seeks to send TSK elements to support Somalia in combatting threats such as terrorism, piracy, and illegal fishing. The proposal follows the "Defense and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" signed between Turkey and Somalia on February 8, 2024.

Bağcıoğlu raised concerns about the strain this deployment could place on Turkey's existing military operations. "Our units deployed in Somalia currently do not have combat duties and should not in the future," he said. "The Turkish Naval Forces have been advising the Somali Navy for years. However, deploying combat forces in such a vast area would require shifting forces in a way that jeopardizes our national security."

Turkey's military base in Mogadishu, operational since 2017, has provided training and technical support to the Somali Armed Forces. Bağcıoğlu emphasized that the primary goal should be equipping Somalia with high-capacity Coast Guard ships and other maritime assets operated by Somali personnel trained by TSK.

"We should make every effort for the procurement of ships, maritime vehicles, and UAVs from Turkey," he stated. "These assets, operated by Somali personnel trained by TSK, would be the most suitable solution for both Somalia and Turkey."

The CHP leader also pointed to Somalia's unique maritime claims, declaring its territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as 200 nautical miles. He argued that successful operations in such a broad area would only be possible by compromising national security, which is undesirable for Turkey.

Bağcıoğlu concluded by urging a transparent approach to foreign policy decisions, particularly those involving military deployments. "The Presidential Motion should be evaluated very carefully and in detail," he asserted. "Correct and conscientious answers must be provided to all concerns to ensure national security and effective foreign policy."

The proposal comes at a time of heightened regional tensions, with increasing instability in Somalia and strained relations between Somalia and Ethiopia. Bağcıoğlu warned that these factors and the agendas of other regional actors, such as the UAE, could further complicate the situation.

"Our region is like a shirt of fire," he cautioned. "We must be careful not to spread our limited resources too thin, which could lead to vulnerabilities in other strategic areas such as the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean, and Black Sea."


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