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Somalia ramps up case against Kenya, accuses it of sabotage

Wednesday December 2, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Somalia has made a series of accusations against Kenya accusing it of working against its interest in the latest round of diplomatic shots at Nairobi.

Information Minister Osman Dubbe presented a list of cases in bolstering his country’s decision to kick out Kenya’s ambassador Lucas Tumbo even as Nairobi maintains the accusations are ‘unwarranted and unexpected.’

Dubbe told journalists Wednesday in Mogadishu Kenya was bent on sabotaging his country’s interests adding that Nairobi was hosting groups and opposition figures whose mission was to work against the country.

Dubbe said Nairobi was ‘now the hub of opposition groups which seek to trash agreements reached at home.’

The newly appointed minister also pointed fingers at Kenya Defence Forces under AMISOM for ‘unilateral decisions’ by moving out troops from locations without consulting both AMISOM and the Federal Government.

He referred to cases in Busaar and Fahfahdhun noting the pull-out was not based on any consultations.

The minister also accused Kenya of sabotaging Somali businesses including destruction of Hormuud Telcom masts, restrictions on air transport and ‘not affording Somalis working in Kenya same treatment as they receive in Somalia.’

But opposition leaders have termed the government’s decision an act of hypocrisy and tantamount to destroying relations between the two countries.”

“We are asking President Mohamed Farmaajo not to politicise the friendship of Somalia and its neighbours” opposition presidential candidates said in a joint statement Tuesday. ‘We are concerned by the deteriorating relations and the impact it will have on Somali students, traders, refugees and travelers in Kenya.”


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