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Four more killed, five others wounded in Mandera inter-clan fights

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Four more people have been killed in an attack on a village in Mandera County in the ongoing inter-clan conflict.

At least five others were injured when gunmen believed to be from Gareh attacked their Degodia neighbors in Shirshir area on Friday night.

Police say the attackers also tried to attack a General Service Unit camp in the area but they were repulsed.

The deaths take to more than 100 people who have been killed in the area since the conflict began close to a year ago, according to Kenya Red Cross although the government denies the figure.

Locals said they were making efforts to burry those who were killed in the Friday night attack.

"We are preparing to burry those who were killed and I fear there will be more such retaliatory attacks. The attack took place in Mandera North," said a caller.

Police in the area said they have enhanced patrols and revealed Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku is planning to visit the volatile area.

Police and villagers of Hogorale said the deceased were all from the Murule clan, and people believed to be from the Gareh clan attacked them on Tuesday.

According to Kenya Red Cross officials, 85 people have been killed and close to 100 injured since last week.

KRC tallies show up to 75 people were referred for specialised treatment after the attacks.

Communications Manager Nelly Muluka said the figures do not include those of Wajir where the violence spread to, two weeks ago.

“Our tally since late last year when the violence broke out in Mandera County alone has hit 85 deaths and we had 96 serious injuries,” said Muluka.

She added there are more than 3,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in both Mandera and Wajir Counties due to inter-clan feuds.

But Interior Principal Secretary Mutea Iringo said the figure of the dead had not reached "that much" adding they are doing all they can to contain the violence.


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