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Open Letter: Somali politicians and Leaders
By Abdirahman Yusuf Ali  
Tuesday November 21, 2023


We (Somali society) only encourage and support inclusive common good for the nation building - It is civil duty to ensure the practice of greater common good for the nation is nurtured and guarded.  It is also a common practice for political opponents to oppose and criticize the government as long as such efforts are done in the interest of the public and not personal gains.

Since coming into office in 2022, the current Somali administration led by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Hamze Barre has made remarkable strides in stabilizing the country and creating a favorable environment for economic growth as well prior governments established touchable efforts

The commitment by current Somali government to lead the war against Al-Shabaab especially by relocating to the battlefront in Galmudug demonstrates a desire for a stable and prosperous Somalia - the national army, the country’s leadership and the current campaigns have commanded widespread support and goodwill from every corner and sector of the country. These collective efforts which have resulted in the liberation of large territories from Al-Shabaab control have demonstrated that genuine Somali-led and Somali-owned initiatives portend far-reaching positive consequences.

Despite these positive developments which are reassuring Somalis of a stable and progressive homeland, a section of the political class has instead sought to erode the hard-won gains. The recent clan clashes and tussle in Hirshabelle state, political battles in South West and Puntland states paint a picture of raw and selfish political ambition at expenses of National interest. We have witnessed attempts by both Federal and State level presidents in violating the unsettled constitutions to extend their stay in power  - Puntland’s Abdullahi Deni is being accused by the opposition of engineering a constitutional change to delay elections and secure him more time in office. These political conflicts serve to distract the nation from real and critical issues at hand.

The Federal Government is preparing to roll out the second phase of the military operations which cover the, Galmudug, south West and Jubaland states. This demands unparalleled attention and political will from our leaders especially at the state level since they will play a critical role in mobilizing grass-root support for the military operations.

It is therefore incumbent upon these leaders to reconsider their approach to their political concerns, dialogue has on many occasions proven as the most effective tool in resolving disputes in Somalia. These leaders should be reminded that in times like these, when the country is dealing with what is essentially an existential crisis, history calls upon them to be magnanimous and shelf their interests for the common good of the country.

The risks of unbridled ambition and political grandstanding, which have the potential of degenerating into physical conflict, are adverse especially when groups like Al-Shabaab exploit such confusion to advance their violent intentions. Citizens too are wary of such spoilers, hold accountable and will exercise their right to deny their leadership roles when they cast their ballot during elections. It, therefore, behoves every leader and politician at the local and national levels to exercise restraint, embrace dialogue and above all put the interests of the nation ahead of all other ambitions.  

Abdirahman Yusuf Ali is social and Peace activist running Uistaag Dadka iyo Dalka Social activism platform, he can be reached at [email protected]


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