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Gedo governor, federal lawmakers oppose appointment of new Gedo region administration

Friday June 9, 2023

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Governor of the Gedo region, Ahmed Buule Garad, has vociferously objected to the new administration that Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe recently appointed.

During a BBC Somali interview on Thursday, Garad underlined that individuals appointed by Madobe or anyone associated with his administration are unwelcome in the Gedo region. This stance has exacerbated the ongoing political conflict between the Gedo politicians and the leadership of the Jubbaland regional state.

Garad, who has been the governor of the Gedo region for an extended period due to the conflict between President Farmaajo's former government and the Jubbaland administration, reaffirmed his position as an independent president of the Jubbaland administration. He expressed his intent to unify Jubbaland effectively and to establish an administration in the Lower Jubba and Middle Jubba regions.

Jubbaland state television reported a meeting in Garbaharrey, the Gedo region's capital, where support for President Madobe's newly appointed administration was expressed. Further, Garad accused Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre of intensifying the division between the people of Jubbaland and the Gedo region.

Following a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, federal lawmakers from Jubbaland state have also expressed their opposition to the new Gedo region administration. These parliamentarians view the appointment as detrimental, further alienating the people of Gedo and Jubbaland.

Speaking to the media, Senators Iftin Hassan Baasto and Fartaag made strong accusations against President Hassan Sheikh. They declared their rejection of the same term extension that they had previously refused from Farmaajo.

Political analysts propose that both the Prime Minister and President Mohamud had prior knowledge of President Ahmed Madobe's plan to establish a new Gedo region administration. Madobe had separate meetings with the President and Prime Minister during his recent visit to Mogadishu for the National Consultative Meeting.


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