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US airstrike kills two al Shabaab in Somalia

Tuesday July 19, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - The US military said it had carried out an airstrike in Somalia, killing two al-Shabaab militants after the group attacked Somali forces in a remote location near Libikus on Monday.

US Africa Command said it conducted the strike in coordination with the government of Somalia on Sunday, according to a statement.

"Violent extremist organizations like al-Shabaab present long-term threats to Somali, regional and US interests."

 "The Federal Government of Somalia and U.S. Africa Command take great measures to prevent civilian casualties. These efforts contrast with the indiscriminate attacks that al-Shabaab regularly conducts against the civilian population," said the statement.

The Al Qaeda-linked militant insurgent group Al Shabaab controls large parts of rural southern and central Somalia. It continues to carry out suicide bombings and other attacks in Mogadishu and elsewhere.

The airstrike was the first significant action by American forces in Somalia since President Joe Biden sent Special Operations troops back there in May.


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