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MP: NISA obstructing probe into death of female intelligence agent Ikran Farah

Sunday October 10, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Investigations into the murder of female intelligence agent Ikran Tahlil Farah will not result in any convictions since the intelligence agency NISA is obstructing the process, an MP has said.

Outgoing MP Amina Mohamed Abdi has claimed that the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) is frustrating investigations into the controversial kidnap and death of Ikran.

"The court and the prosecution have made it clear to us that there are so many obstacles in this case that it is not possible to investigate the case and end it properly. They have been denied access to the NISA compound to get accurate information," Amina said.

Amina, a relative of the deceased agent, added that NISA had declined to interrogate murder suspects and that President Mohamed Farmaajo's appointee to head NISA, Yasin Faray, had blocked the investigations and ''did not want to hear about the case''.

The death of Ikran has rocked the Federal Government leading to a severe fallout between Farmaajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Roble.

While Roble has demanded investigations and subsequent prosecution, Farmaajo has, on the other pushed for an out-of-court settlement.

News of Ikran's disappearance came into the public limelight in mid-July, about two weeks after she was abducteed from her home on June 26.


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