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Year after ruler dies, Ethiopia sees little change

Las Vegas Sun
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Candlelit vigils and the launch of over two dozen parks are taking place in Ethiopia on the first year anniversary of the death of long-time ruler Meles Zenawi.

Tuesday's rituals underscore the approach Meles' successors have employed during the last year: a continued lionization of the late prime minister.

During a ceremony attended by regional leaders such the presidents of Somalia and Sudan, Meles was praised as "Africa's voice." His successor, Prime Minister Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, praised Meles as a "champion of the poor."

Critics say that Ethiopia has maintained the same oppressive anti-free press policies that Meles put in place.

Meles became president in 1991 and prime minister in 1995, a position he held until his sudden death last year.


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