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Is the Attack in Hayat Hotel Show a Complete Security Failure

by Mohamed Muse
Sunday August 28, 2022

Al-Shabaab has carried many attacks that have claimed a lot of lives including civilians and government officials. They often replicate their tactic of attacks but try to make more efficient and time play. The key features of their attack are unrelenting to gain public attention. The attack against Hayat hotel seems like a marauding terrorist attacks which they show complete unpleasant, and dangerous because they were a violent to kill, destroy, and even possibly to steal. It seems that the attack methodologies were continually developing as terrorists continue to identify opportunities to prologue the attack time. It seems the attack involved multi-layered attack where the attackers tempted to deliver a types of attack within the location like employing several personal born explosives and plastic containers filled with additional explosives devices which made the response difficult as considered by everyone dealing with to be like unbelievable incident because of the suspected packages involved, objects, and the attackers.

The fast pace of a terrorist attack means it is necessary to take action immediately to save lives including in-evacuation of those trapped in the location of the attack, however, it seems this does not happen during the attack in Hayat hotel. Immediate and enough response to the attack can maximise the effectiveness of the response, also can reduce casualties/ fatalities. These tasks should be completed as soon as possible after the attack is discovered, but unfortunately, first and foremost response to the attack in Hayat hotel was not tactically enough compared to the complexity of the attack in the hotel. Potentially, it seems the attackers have used the location or in the close proximity of the hotel several times to import the necessary preparations including explosives and weapons they were going to use until they make their final approach to launch the attack.

It seems the initial assessment of the attack has been underestimated, and thus the initial response of the police seems has loss the focus to reduce the causalities. This effected the rapid decisions that should determine the response including identifying how many attackers were inside the hotel, where are they exactly in the hotel, weapons they were using, and other threats surrounding in the attack. Media reported that the police engaging with terrorists have been removed from the place and replaced with special security forces which I think made the situation even worse, because this kind of replacement give a time to terrorists cause as many casualties as they can, so that decision has not only delayed the task to be completed before time, but disoriented the forces who have been engaged with the terrorists in the hotel. Public have widely dislike why government has handled the last attack because they felt the response was poor which showed inexperience, and that has been what have resulted inaudible, rambling, vague, misleading, incorrect or lack credibility.

As the so-called terrorist attack versus government fight is coming to a head and attacks continue, public concerns will continue to rise and potential to not only to create political stability, but the chance to lead public unrest remains hight and worry price to pay is going to be too hight. Some of the learns that can be learned from this incident would include the review of police response plans, as no need more units to involve responding attacks, because this kind will create disorder and would distract the focus, and rescue efforts.   Improve the readiness of anti-terrorists’ unit within the police with one chain of command to response the complex attacks at any given time. This can reduce casualties, and displace the attack, prevent further progress of the attack, prevent the attack to reach more human lives, assets, and can minimize the consequences of the attack. Making announcement on the attack by the relevant institutions can make public to aware the situation and detect misinformation. The government fail to do this part, because some people where no to go after the roads were closed. Reassuring public that the situation is under control can make difference for the operation and make understandable of what the government is doing to the matter. Mogadishu people should learn the best way they can survive from such hazardous attacks, understand different parts of hotel buildings, restaurants, where is likely they can escape in case of attack at your place or in an adjacent or nearby area.

Mohamed Muse
[email protected]


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