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Bring it on Mr. Donlad Kipkorir



Sunday, October 05, 2008


The gene is out of the bottle. The true intentions of Kenya and Ethiopia viz aviz Somalia have revealed by a prominent Kenyan lawyer. In his latest diatribe, Donald Kipkorir in a piece in the Daily Nation reaffirms the strategic collusion between Kenya and Ethiopia to destabilize and conquer Somalia in the best tradition of colonialism.

 The Unholy Alliance to subjugate the Somali people started immediately after the independence of Kenya. In 1963, the two countries signed a Defence and Security Pact aimed exclusively at Somalia. Kenya and Ethiopia hosted and supported the Somali guerrilla movements with the aim of destabilizing Somalia. The so-called peace conference in Kenya in 2004-5 was manipulated and high jacked by Ethiopia and Kenya.

The complicity of the two countries in the recent invasion of Somalia is another glaring example of their shameful collusion in the destabilization of Somali.


But Donald Kipkorir further articulates the strategic objectives of this Unholy Alliance by proposing “a final solution for the Somali problem!” His recipe: “Kenya and Ethiopia must and ought dismember and divide Somalia between themselves so that each partner in this unholy alliance gets 300, 00 kms of Somali territory as well as five million Somalis to subjugate.

“A final Solution for Somalia”!! Is this not reminiscent of the Nazis when they called for the extermination of an entire people. Even the Nazis failed miserably in their “ Final Solution” enterprise. And so did the ethnic cleansing of the Bosnian Moslems in more recent history. Donald Kipkorir must be having some sweet dreams. Sorry to disturb, Sir.

Just imagine, a lawyer calling for the dismemberment of a State, member of the UN long before Kenya was admitted to the world body!

The policy annexation of territories that are not part of one’s country has failed in Africa. Some examples: Emperor Menelik and the Haile Selasse annexed the Ogaden Region and Reserved Areas of Somalia in 1898 and 1954 respectively with the connivance of the British colonialists. The Somali people in these regions continue to resist the Ethiopian annexation to the extent that today the Tigre regime in Addis hemorrenging.


The late Haile Selasse’s annexation of Eritrea in 1953 in contravention of international law led to a robust resistance and resulted in the birth of the sovereign State of Eritrea. And Donald Kipkorir seems to forget that the northern Somali part of present day ceded by the British is the Achilles Heels of Kenya.

The Somali people are well-known for resisting foreign invaders. The most recent example is the heroic resistance to the Ethiopian occupation. In the best tradition of our ancestors, we shall continue to fight and resist any attempt to annex or country.


Mr Donald Kipkorir, you want to annex Somalia and dismember it!!!! BRING IT ON. Your fate will be that of your so-called strategic partners(Ethiopia) who are in a quagmire in Somalia. BRING IT ON Mister; WE ARE READY.

Amb. Ahmed Abdi Hashi


Foreign & International Dept

Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia

ARS HQs Asmara –Oct. 4 2008