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SNA-Macawisley attack Al Shabaab fighters outside Adan Yabal

Monday December 5, 2022

Beledweyne (HOL) - Fierce fighting erupted near Wartadibi Samatar and Boos Adur villages in  Middle Shabelle's Adan Yabal district on Monday morning between Somali government forces - backed by local Macawisley clan militias - and Al Shabaab fighters.

The fighting came after the government forces moved towards the Adan Yabal district to consolidate territorial gains after recent reports that Al Shabaab had fled the area.

The joint government forces are said to have attacked the area in three directions.

The present conflict in Wartadibi Samatar and Bos Aduur is reportedly intense, with different calibres of weapons being deployed. Residents on the outskirts of the Adan Yabal district reported hearing heavy weaponry throughout the morning battle.

Although casualties are expected, the number of deaths brought on by the hostilities is not yet known.

The officials leading the government forces have promised that their operation will continue until Al-Shabaab is removed from the Middle Shabelle region and civilian traffic in the Hiran and Middle Shabelle regions is restored.


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