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Hiiraan resistance faction gives HirShabelle Gov't officials 48 hrs to exit from Beletweyne

Tuesday February 16, 2021

BELETWEYNE (HOL) -  A resistance faction in Hiiraan region led by a former army general has given the HirShabelle Government 48 hours to evacuate the state Vice President and other senior officials from Beletweyne town.

The group calling itself Hiiraan Salvation Council led by former SNA General Abukar Hud said in a statement Sunday it did not want any of the senior officials in the city, accusing them of spearheading harassment against the locals, among pregnant mothers who were allegedly arrested by HirShabelle forces .

The faction which included elders and various leaders has been meeting in Elgaal locality in the outskirts of Beletweyne town. General Hud who formed the faction following the HirShabelle elections last November was also present.

According to the statement, the faction is calling from withdrawal of State Vice President Yusuf Dabageed and police commissioner from Beletweyne.

It also accuses the Federal Government of transferring senior SNA commanders from the region to other parts of the country.

The faction has mounted resistance against HirShabelle government protesting the election of President Ali Gudlawe on account that Hiiraan region was sidestepped since it was supposed to produce a president based on a clan rotational arrangement. Gudlawe is not from Hiiraan region.

Meanwhile a separate faction under the Jererweyne umbrella has separately massed up against the HirShabelle Government over what it termed as denial of their rights to representation.

According to the group also based in Beletweyne, they did not participate in the selection of the state MPs representing them. They claim the list of lawmakers was drawn in Jowhar without their participation.

A clash between General Hud forces and federal troops on Beletweyne last month resulted in deaths.


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