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Somalia’s election to cost $40million with Government covering only 10%

Saturday December 26, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) -  The upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in Somalia will cost $40 million, the country’s Finance Minister has said adding that most of it will be offset by donors.

Abdirahman Beileh said in a TV interview Friday evening the Federal Government will be submitting the budget to the international community on Sunday for financing.

According to the Minister, 90% of the budget is expected to be funded by the international community while the government will chip in a paltry 10%.

The Minister’s revelations come amid an ongoing political crisis in the country which has seen opposition groups demand reforms ahead of the poll. The Federal government has however stood ground and ordered elections proceed.

The Federal Indirect Elections Team (FIET) announced this week Senate elections will commence on December 27 through to January 6 to pave way for the selection of delegates who will elect MPs.

Election of MPs will take place between February 9 and 28 to pave way for the election of a new president. Close to 30,000 delegates will be electing the 275 member chamber.


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