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Madobe insists on troops pull out from Gedo ahead of polls

Wednesday December 2, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe has reiterated his call for the removal of troops and leadership installed by the Federal Government in Gedo region ahead of elections.

Addressing civil society groups in Kismayo, Madobe said elections will only take place on condition that President Mohamed Farmaajo fulfils his pledge which formed part of the talks in September.

“We had an agreement but the Federal Government has not honoured its pledge,” Madobe said. He added the elections for Gedo may have to be held in Kismayo should the government fail to vacate.

The Jubbaland leader set the terms Saturday upon arrival from Nairobi. His remarks have since spiralled into a diplomatic fall-out between Kenya and Somalia.

Mogadishu expelled the Kenyan ambassador Sunday over accusations that Nairobi had put pressure on Madobe to change his mind.


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