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Money transfer receipt by Kenyan media ‘fake’ Taaj says, warns legal action

Monday April 20, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The Somalia based money transfer company Taaj has dismissed as fake a receipt published by a Kenyan newspaper alleging the company was used by an intelligence official to transfer money to the militant group Al-Shabaab and warned of legal action.

A statement from the company which is affiliated to Somalia’s leading telco Hormud Telecom noted the alleged receipt was fake and that it did not issue it.

“Taaj wants to inform the public there is no way it issued such a receipt and that it has established the receipt is fake,” the company said adding the document was ‘forged’.

The Star published the receipt Friday alleging it had received a leaked document from Kenya’s intelligence agency claiming it was investigating allegations Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) was aiding Al-Shabaab to attack Kenya Defence Forces in Somalia.

Somali government dismissed the reports as ‘false and misleading’.

“The Federal Government of Somalia rejects this type of malicious attacks, and smear campaigns targeting the government and its agencies,” a statement from the Ministry of Information Saturday read in part.

Taaj called on The Star to pull down the story adding it will take legal action.


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